<![CDATA[Hong Kong's War Crimes Trials Collection]]> 2025-03-28T18:58:14+08:00 Omeka <![CDATA[Interview of Major Murray I. Ormsby, HKWCT Project, 21 July and 4 August 2011.]]> 2011-09-21T12:12:30+08:00

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Interview of Major Murray I. Ormsby, HKWCT Project, 21 July and 4 August 2011.
]]> <![CDATA[Etchings from A. V. Skvorzov, Hong Kong Prisoner of War Camp Life (Hong Kong:<br /> SCMP Book Publishing, 2005) – reproduced here with the kind permission of the copyright holder, Mrs. Luba Estes.]]> 2011-01-21T16:50:33+08:00

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Etchings from A. V. Skvorzov, Hong Kong Prisoner of War Camp Life (Hong Kong:
SCMP Book Publishing, 2005) – reproduced here with the kind permission of the copyright holder, Mrs. Luba Estes.
]]> <![CDATA[Statement of Mrs. Luba Estes, given to the HKWCT Collection, 30 November 2010.]]> 2011-01-07T11:14:12+08:00

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Statement of Mrs. Luba Estes, given to the HKWCT Collection, 30 November 2010.
]]> <![CDATA[Interview of Mr. Stephen Tsui, HKWCT Project, 17 September 2010.]]> 2011-01-07T11:14:12+08:00

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Interview of Mr. Stephen Tsui, HKWCT Project, 17 September 2010.
]]> <![CDATA[Interview of Mr. Raymond Chung, HKWCT Project, 24 September 2010.]]> 2011-01-07T11:14:12+08:00

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Interview of Mr. Raymond Chung, HKWCT Project, 24 September 2010.
]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1048]]> “in that he, at Tsun Wan on or about the 17th August 1945, when a member of the Kempeitai, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of YEN (otherwise spelt YUAN) YEE KWAN and another unknown Chinese, both civilians at that time in his custody.”

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Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Tsun Wan on or about the 17th August 1945, when a member of the Kempeitai, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of YEN (otherwise spelt YUAN) YEE KWAN and another unknown Chinese, both civilians at that time in his custody.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/927]]> “in that he at Hong Kong, on or about the twenty first day of December 1942, when an interpreter on the Prisoner of War Camp Staff at Sham Shuipo Camp, in violation of the laws and usages of war, did assault Capt J.A. NORRIS of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, Canadian Army, by beating him in full view of the Canadian prisoners of war whilst they were drawn up on parade”.

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, on or about the twenty first day of December 1942, when an interpreter on the Prisoner of War Camp Staff at Sham Shuipo Camp, in violation of the laws and usages of war, did assault Major F.T. ATKINSON, Royal Rifles of Canada, Canadian Army by kicking him in full view of the Canadian prisoners of war whilst they were drawn up on parade”.

Third Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Hong Kong between the 15th day of June and the 30th day of November 1944 when a member of the staff of the Japanese Gendarmerie Headquarters, in violation of the laws and usages of war, was concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Hong Kong under arrest at 67-69 Kimberley Road, Stanley Gaol and other places, resulting in the death of Mr. Power, Ip Kam Wing, So Shing Hon and Enrique Lee, and physical sufferings to others of the said persons and in particular to Mrs M.V. Power, Mr R.P. Chilote, Dr. V.N. Atienza, Mr. A.E.P. Guest, Mr. G. Sang, Mr Mohd Yousif Khan , Lam Sik and Wong Sui Poy”.


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First Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, on or about the twenty first day of December 1942, when an interpreter on the Prisoner of War Camp Staff at Sham Shuipo Camp, in violation of the laws and usages of war, did assault Capt J.A. NORRIS of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, Canadian Army, by beating him in full view of the Canadian prisoners of war whilst they were drawn up on parade”.

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, on or about the twenty first day of December 1942, when an interpreter on the Prisoner of War Camp Staff at Sham Shuipo Camp, in violation of the laws and usages of war, did assault Major F.T. ATKINSON, Royal Rifles of Canada, Canadian Army by kicking him in full view of the Canadian prisoners of war whilst they were drawn up on parade”.

Third Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Hong Kong between the 15th day of June and the 30th day of November 1944 when a member of the staff of the Japanese Gendarmerie Headquarters, in violation of the laws and usages of war, was concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Hong Kong under arrest at 67-69 Kimberley Road, Stanley Gaol and other places, resulting in the death of Mr. Power, Ip Kam Wing, So Shing Hon and Enrique Lee, and physical sufferings to others of the said persons and in particular to Mrs M.V. Power, Mr R.P. Chilote, Dr. V.N. Atienza, Mr. A.E.P. Guest, Mr. G. Sang, Mr Mohd Yousif Khan , Lam Sik and Wong Sui Poy”.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1117]]> “in that he at Shanghai between 1st September, 1942, and 30th November, 1942, as a Sergeant in the Shanghai Kempeitai, was, in violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Shanghai and in particular of HENRY FORSYTHE PRINGLE, ALEXANDER HAINDRAVA, ERNEST LE ROY HEALEY, MORRIS JOSEPH SOULEVITCH, BORIS S. FRANK, THE REVEREND W.E. HUDSPETH, KENNETH WILLIAM JOHNSTONE, and WILLIAM SLADE BUNGEY detained in the cells of the Headquarters of the Shanghai Kempeitai at the BRIDGE HOUSE, causing them all physical suffering”.

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Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Shanghai between 1st September, 1942, and 30th November, 1942, as a Sergeant in the Shanghai Kempeitai, was, in violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Shanghai and in particular of HENRY FORSYTHE PRINGLE, ALEXANDER HAINDRAVA, ERNEST LE ROY HEALEY, MORRIS JOSEPH SOULEVITCH, BORIS S. FRANK, THE REVEREND W.E. HUDSPETH, KENNETH WILLIAM JOHNSTONE, and WILLIAM SLADE BUNGEY detained in the cells of the Headquarters of the Shanghai Kempeitai at the BRIDGE HOUSE, causing them all physical suffering”.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1116]]> Committing a War Crime (against D1, D2)
“in that at Shanghai between about the 1st July 1943 and 31st August 1943 the accused KINOSHITA Eiichi then Major General Commanding the Shanghai District Kempei-Tai, and the accused YOSHIDA Bunzo then a Corporal in the Foreign Section of the Special Branch at the Headquarters of the Western Branch of the Shanghai Kempei-Tai on Jessfield Road, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Shanghai and in particular of John Martin Watson, William Hutton and Hans Rechlim, causing them physical suffering and resulting in the death of the said William Hutton.”

Second charge (against D1)
Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Shanghai in or about the month of November 1942, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of a Chinese male, VONG, a civilian resident of Shanghai which ill-treatment resulted in the death of VONG aforesaid.”

Third charge (against D1)
Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Shanghai between the 6th August 1942 and 29th November 1944 as head of the Shanghai Keimpei-Tai and as such responsible for the control of Kempei personnel and the management of the places of detention at Shanghai was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Shanghai and in particular the Reverend W.H. Hudspeth, Henry Forsythe Pringle; Edwin Arthur Thompson; Kenneth William Johnstone; James Robert Canning; William Slade Bungey; Arthur Vincent Roovey Dean; C.D. Kocaroff; Patrick Samuel Gibbons, Alexander Haindrava; Morris Joseph Soulevitch; Evans Daw; Boris S. Frank; and Boris Topas detained in the cells of the Headquarters of the Shanghai Kempei Tai at the Bridge House and of Eric Davies; J.A. Cook; B.P. Young detained in the cells of the Union Jack Club on Myrburgh Road a section of the Western Branch of the Shanghai Kempei-Tai, causing them all physical suffering.”

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First charge
Committing a War Crime (against D1, D2)
“in that at Shanghai between about the 1st July 1943 and 31st August 1943 the accused KINOSHITA Eiichi then Major General Commanding the Shanghai District Kempei-Tai, and the accused YOSHIDA Bunzo then a Corporal in the Foreign Section of the Special Branch at the Headquarters of the Western Branch of the Shanghai Kempei-Tai on Jessfield Road, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Shanghai and in particular of John Martin Watson, William Hutton and Hans Rechlim, causing them physical suffering and resulting in the death of the said William Hutton.”

Second charge (against D1)
Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Shanghai in or about the month of November 1942, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of a Chinese male, VONG, a civilian resident of Shanghai which ill-treatment resulted in the death of VONG aforesaid.”

Third charge (against D1)
Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Shanghai between the 6th August 1942 and 29th November 1944 as head of the Shanghai Keimpei-Tai and as such responsible for the control of Kempei personnel and the management of the places of detention at Shanghai was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Shanghai and in particular the Reverend W.H. Hudspeth, Henry Forsythe Pringle; Edwin Arthur Thompson; Kenneth William Johnstone; James Robert Canning; William Slade Bungey; Arthur Vincent Roovey Dean; C.D. Kocaroff; Patrick Samuel Gibbons, Alexander Haindrava; Morris Joseph Soulevitch; Evans Daw; Boris S. Frank; and Boris Topas detained in the cells of the Headquarters of the Shanghai Kempei Tai at the Bridge House and of Eric Davies; J.A. Cook; B.P. Young detained in the cells of the Union Jack Club on Myrburgh Road a section of the Western Branch of the Shanghai Kempei-Tai, causing them all physical suffering.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1114]]> “in that he on the High Seas, on the 1st and 2nd October 1942, when Master of the Military Transport S.S. “LISBON MARU” and as such responsible for the lives and safety of about 1800 British Prisoners of War on board the said transport when it had been torpedoed and was in a sinking condition, in violation of the laws and usages of war, was concerned (a) in the battening down of the P.O.W. aforesaid in the ships hold whereby many died of suffocation and many underwent mental and physical sufferings and many others were trapped and drowned when the ship sank and (b) in his failure to provide for the use of the P.O.W. available boats and life jackets as a result many of them were drowned after the ship had sunk and many more underwent mental and physical sufferings.”

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Committing a War Crime
“in that he on the High Seas, on the 1st and 2nd October 1942, when Master of the Military Transport S.S. “LISBON MARU” and as such responsible for the lives and safety of about 1800 British Prisoners of War on board the said transport when it had been torpedoed and was in a sinking condition, in violation of the laws and usages of war, was concerned (a) in the battening down of the P.O.W. aforesaid in the ships hold whereby many died of suffocation and many underwent mental and physical sufferings and many others were trapped and drowned when the ship sank and (b) in his failure to provide for the use of the P.O.W. available boats and life jackets as a result many of them were drowned after the ship had sunk and many more underwent mental and physical sufferings.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1112]]> Committing a War Crime
“in that they, between 26th September 1944 and 15 November 1944 at the Yaumati Police Station Building, Kowloon, the first named accused as the Warrant Officer in charge of the special branch of the Kowloon District Kempeitai and the rest of the Accused as members of the Kowloon District Kempeitai were, in violation of th laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of the New Territories, Hong Kong causing them physical suffering which led to the deaths of Chan Yan (alies Chan Ah Yan), Lau Yuk Kwong, Yuen Fook, Sheng Wan Wah, Ip Hing, Lau Ngau, Lau Lin, Wan Sang Kee, Wan Yung Sang, Wan Yong Kun, Lee Yip, Lau Hong, Lau Leung, Tsang Hing, Wan Yong Shek, Wan Yong Fuk, Tse Yuen Po and Tse Yao Fong (Alias Tse Kow).”

Second Charge (against D1, D2, D3)
Committing a War Crime
“in that they between 27th October 1943 and 30th October 1944 at the Headquarters of the Kowloon District Kempei tai the accused Omura Kiyoshi as the Warrant Officer in charge of the Special Branch of the Kowloon District K.T. and the accused Nashida Masato and Kawazumi Jun as members of the said Special Branch were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents of Hong Kong and in particular of Mrs. John Siew, Walter Fong Ching, Hui Shu Pui, Ng Yau Hing, Warren Chin Fen, Ng Tai Hing, Ng Wei Chuen, Chung Shuet Ying, Kandhara Singh, Ng Wai Kee, Yeung Heung and Tang Ho Leung

Third Charge (against D3)
Committing a War crime
“in that he between 20 Dec 1944 and 31 Jan 1945 at the Taipo Gendarmerie (a sub-station of the Kowloon district Kem-peitai) was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents of the New Territories and in particular of Cheng Kwai, Lam Kiu Wai, Lam Chung Sik, Lam Wah, Lam Ying Yuen, Cheung Fuk Yin, Chung Chik Hung, Lam Tin Kau, Cheng Po and Lam Shui Ki causing them physical sufering in consequence of which the said Lam Tin Kau, Cheng Po and Lam Shui Ki died.

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First Charge (against all accused)
Committing a War Crime
“in that they, between 26th September 1944 and 15 November 1944 at the Yaumati Police Station Building, Kowloon, the first named accused as the Warrant Officer in charge of the special branch of the Kowloon District Kempeitai and the rest of the Accused as members of the Kowloon District Kempeitai were, in violation of th laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of civilian residents of the New Territories, Hong Kong causing them physical suffering which led to the deaths of Chan Yan (alies Chan Ah Yan), Lau Yuk Kwong, Yuen Fook, Sheng Wan Wah, Ip Hing, Lau Ngau, Lau Lin, Wan Sang Kee, Wan Yung Sang, Wan Yong Kun, Lee Yip, Lau Hong, Lau Leung, Tsang Hing, Wan Yong Shek, Wan Yong Fuk, Tse Yuen Po and Tse Yao Fong (Alias Tse Kow).”

Second Charge (against D1, D2, D3)
Committing a War Crime
“in that they between 27th October 1943 and 30th October 1944 at the Headquarters of the Kowloon District Kempei tai the accused Omura Kiyoshi as the Warrant Officer in charge of the Special Branch of the Kowloon District K.T. and the accused Nashida Masato and Kawazumi Jun as members of the said Special Branch were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents of Hong Kong and in particular of Mrs. John Siew, Walter Fong Ching, Hui Shu Pui, Ng Yau Hing, Warren Chin Fen, Ng Tai Hing, Ng Wei Chuen, Chung Shuet Ying, Kandhara Singh, Ng Wai Kee, Yeung Heung and Tang Ho Leung

Third Charge (against D3)
Committing a War crime
“in that he between 20 Dec 1944 and 31 Jan 1945 at the Taipo Gendarmerie (a sub-station of the Kowloon district Kem-peitai) was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents of the New Territories and in particular of Cheng Kwai, Lam Kiu Wai, Lam Chung Sik, Lam Wah, Lam Ying Yuen, Cheung Fuk Yin, Chung Chik Hung, Lam Tin Kau, Cheng Po and Lam Shui Ki causing them physical sufering in consequence of which the said Lam Tin Kau, Cheng Po and Lam Shui Ki died.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1107]]> “in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 31st December 1941, as Commander of the 38 Infantry Unit of the 38 Division, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the killing and ill-treatment of Allied POWs. and Surrendered Personnel by the members of Units under his Command.”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 31st December 1941, as Commander of the 38 Infantry Unit of the 38 Division, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the killing and ill-treatment by Members of Units under his Command of wounded and sick Members of Allied Forces that had fallen in their power.”

Third Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 31st December 1941, as Commander of the 38 Infantry Unit of the 38 Division, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the killing and ill-treatment by Members of Units under his Command of Allied Personnel engaged exclusively in the collection, transport and treatment of the wounded and sick and in the administration of medical formations and establishments.”

Fourth Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 31st December 1941, as Commander of the 38 Infantry Unit of the 38 Division, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the killing and ill-treatment by Members of Units under his Command of civilian residents of Hong Kong.”


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First Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 31st December 1941, as Commander of the 38 Infantry Unit of the 38 Division, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the killing and ill-treatment of Allied POWs. and Surrendered Personnel by the members of Units under his Command.”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 31st December 1941, as Commander of the 38 Infantry Unit of the 38 Division, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the killing and ill-treatment by Members of Units under his Command of wounded and sick Members of Allied Forces that had fallen in their power.”

Third Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 31st December 1941, as Commander of the 38 Infantry Unit of the 38 Division, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the killing and ill-treatment by Members of Units under his Command of Allied Personnel engaged exclusively in the collection, transport and treatment of the wounded and sick and in the administration of medical formations and establishments.”

Fourth Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 31st December 1941, as Commander of the 38 Infantry Unit of the 38 Division, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the killing and ill-treatment by Members of Units under his Command of civilian residents of Hong Kong.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1106]]> In that they “at Shataukok between the 1st of August 1943 and the 31st of December 1944, the first named accused as Officer Commanding and the second named accused as a member of the Shataukok Gendarmerie, were, in Violation of the laws and usages or war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents of Shataukok aforesaid such illteratment resulting in the deaths among others of Woo Yung, Choy Fok, Mo Ma Tai, Tang Fook, Yip Tin Cheung, Yip Sang, Yip Tin Sung, Lee Wah, Lee Yee Kwei, Lee Koon Kam, Mo Yeung and Mo Yee Choy.”

Second charge (Nakajima Tokuzo only): Committing a War Crime
In that he “at Shataukok, in the months of June and July 1943, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents of Nam Chung Village.”]]>

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First charge (both): Committing a War Crime
In that they “at Shataukok between the 1st of August 1943 and the 31st of December 1944, the first named accused as Officer Commanding and the second named accused as a member of the Shataukok Gendarmerie, were, in Violation of the laws and usages or war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents of Shataukok aforesaid such illteratment resulting in the deaths among others of Woo Yung, Choy Fok, Mo Ma Tai, Tang Fook, Yip Tin Cheung, Yip Sang, Yip Tin Sung, Lee Wah, Lee Yee Kwei, Lee Koon Kam, Mo Yeung and Mo Yee Choy.”

Second charge (Nakajima Tokuzo only): Committing a War Crime
In that he “at Shataukok, in the months of June and July 1943, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents of Nam Chung Village.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1099]]> “in that they at DAICHOKU near TAIHOKU, Formosa, between November 1942 and September 1945, the accused Capt. YOSHIMI as Doctor to all the P.O.W. Camp groups, the accused Lieut. ISHII as Camp Commandant of No. 6 Branch Group DAICHOKU and the remainder of the accused as members of the said No. 6 Branch Group Staff, being responsible for the well being of all British and Allied Prisoners of War, were, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, together concerned in the illtreatment of Allied Prisoners of War, resulting in the deaths of some and physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.]]> 2010-10-14T09:47:42+08:00

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Committing a War Crime
“in that they at DAICHOKU near TAIHOKU, Formosa, between November 1942 and September 1945, the accused Capt. YOSHIMI as Doctor to all the P.O.W. Camp groups, the accused Lieut. ISHII as Camp Commandant of No. 6 Branch Group DAICHOKU and the remainder of the accused as members of the said No. 6 Branch Group Staff, being responsible for the well being of all British and Allied Prisoners of War, were, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, together concerned in the illtreatment of Allied Prisoners of War, resulting in the deaths of some and physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1098]]> “in that he at Kowloon in the Colony of Hong Kong between the 8th Sept. 1943 and the 15th of August 1945, as Commanding Officer of the Kowloon Kempeitai of the Imperial Japanese Army, was in violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the inhumane treatment by his subordinate staff, of Chinese and other civilians held in the custody of the said Kempeitai HQ and some of its substations which inhumane treatment consisted of killing some and ill-treating others.


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Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Kowloon in the Colony of Hong Kong between the 8th Sept. 1943 and the 15th of August 1945, as Commanding Officer of the Kowloon Kempeitai of the Imperial Japanese Army, was in violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the inhumane treatment by his subordinate staff, of Chinese and other civilians held in the custody of the said Kempeitai HQ and some of its substations which inhumane treatment consisted of killing some and ill-treating others.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1093]]> “in that he, at Hong Kong, between the 10th Feb. 1945 and the 15th Aug. 1945, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of prisoners in the custody of the Kempeitai causing the death of some and physical sufferings to others”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Hong Kong, between the 1st June and 31st Aug. 1945 as Commander of the Kempeitai, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents, resulting in the death of many of the said civilians and in physical suffering to others, which illtreatment included deportation from Hong Kong aforesaid.”


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First Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Hong Kong, between the 10th Feb. 1945 and the 15th Aug. 1945, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of prisoners in the custody of the Kempeitai causing the death of some and physical sufferings to others”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Hong Kong, between the 1st June and 31st Aug. 1945 as Commander of the Kempeitai, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents, resulting in the death of many of the said civilians and in physical suffering to others, which illtreatment included deportation from Hong Kong aforesaid.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1089]]> “in that on the High Seas at or about midnight of the 18th/19th March 1944, the accused Rear Admiral SAKONJU Naomasa as Commanding Officer of the 16th Squdron, South-West area Fleet, and the accused Captain MAYAZUMI HARUO, as Officer-in-command of M.I.J.M.S. “Tone”, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the killing of approximately sixty-five survivors from the sinking of the British m.v. “Behar”, being members of the crew or passengers on the said vessel.”]]> 2010-09-15T10:01:36+08:00

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Committing a War Crime
“in that on the High Seas at or about midnight of the 18th/19th March 1944, the accused Rear Admiral SAKONJU Naomasa as Commanding Officer of the 16th Squdron, South-West area Fleet, and the accused Captain MAYAZUMI HARUO, as Officer-in-command of M.I.J.M.S. “Tone”, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the killing of approximately sixty-five survivors from the sinking of the British m.v. “Behar”, being members of the crew or passengers on the said vessel.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1078]]> “in that he, at Hong Kong in or about the month of September 1943, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of Li Chi Kwan, a civilian resident of Hong Kong aforesaid.”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Kowloon in the Colony of Hong Kong between the 24th May 1945 and 1st June 1945, was, in violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the illtreatment of Chan Chor Bun and Wong Chor Key civilian residents of Hong Kong aforesaid.”


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First Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Hong Kong in or about the month of September 1943, was, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of Li Chi Kwan, a civilian resident of Hong Kong aforesaid.”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Kowloon in the Colony of Hong Kong between the 24th May 1945 and 1st June 1945, was, in violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the illtreatment of Chan Chor Bun and Wong Chor Key civilian residents of Hong Kong aforesaid.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1073]]> “In that they at the New Territories, Hong Kong, between the end of February 1945, and the 15th August, 1945, the Accused Lieut. OBATA CHIKURO as Commanding Officer and the other Accused as members of the SHEUNG SHUI DISTRICT KEMPEITAI, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of Chinese residents in the New Territories causing the death of some and physical sufferings to other.”

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Committing a War Crime
“In that they at the New Territories, Hong Kong, between the end of February 1945, and the 15th August, 1945, the Accused Lieut. OBATA CHIKURO as Commanding Officer and the other Accused as members of the SHEUNG SHUI DISTRICT KEMPEITAI, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of Chinese residents in the New Territories causing the death of some and physical sufferings to other.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1057]]> “in that he, at Hong Kong between 1st June 1945 and 31st August 1945, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Li Wai Lam, Chang Kwan Woo, Ng Wo Shun, Ng Shing and othe Chinese, which illtreatment resulted in the death of Ng Shing and five other Chinese, names unknown and bodily suffering to the other aforesaid Chinese.”]]> 2010-09-16T16:07:54+08:00

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Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Hong Kong between 1st June 1945 and 31st August 1945, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Li Wai Lam, Chang Kwan Woo, Ng Wo Shun, Ng Shing and othe Chinese, which illtreatment resulted in the death of Ng Shing and five other Chinese, names unknown and bodily suffering to the other aforesaid Chinese.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1045]]> 2010-09-16T16:07:15+08:00

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“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he, at CHEUNG CHOW ISLAND in the Colony of Hong Kong between the 24th December 1944 and the 13th January 1945 when officer in charge of the CHEUNG CHOW KEMPEITAI STATION, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in maltreatment causing physical suffering to CHENG WO KWAI, LAM AH HENG, MAN FOOK, MAN YUK MUI, MAN SUI WA, CHOY SANG CHEUNG WA YUK and WONG MING also known as AH MING and FOOK TAI, all Chinese Civilian Residents of CHEUNG CHOW ISLAND.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1044]]> “COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at and near KARENKO, FORMOSA, between 1st July 1942 and 30th June 1943, the accused Col. NAKAO as Commandant Prisoner-of-War Camps Group, the accused Captain IMAMURA as Commandant of No. 4 Branch Camp and the accused Lieutenant. WAKASUGI as a member of the staff of the said Camp, being responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in the said No. 4 Branch Camp, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees resulting in physical suffering to many of them.”

Second Charge (Against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that at Formosa between July 1942 and June 1943, the accused as Commandant Prisoner-of-War Camps Group and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in Formosa, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and internees at No. 1 Branch Camp KINKASEKI, No. 2 Branch Camp TAICHU, No. 3 Branch Camp HEITO, H.Q. Camp at DAICHOKU and at various in transit resulting in the deaths of a number of the said Prisoners-of-War, and in physical suffering to many Prisoners-of-War, and civilian internees.”

Third Charge (Against D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, at or near SHIRAKAWA, FORMOSA, between 1st June and 31st December 1943, whilst Commandant of No. 4 Branch and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in the said Camp, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees causing suffering to many of them.”

Fourth Charge (Against D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, at or near KOKUTSU, FORMOSA, between 16th May 1945 and 31st May 1945, whilst Commandant of No. 1 Branch and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War in the said Camp, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War causing suffering to many of them.”

Fifth Charge (Against D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, at TROKU, FORMOSA, between 1st November 1944 and 25th April 1945, whilst Commandant at TROKU Transit Camp and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War in the said Camp, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War causing suffering to many of the said Prisoners-of-War.”

Sixth Charge (Against D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, at SIRAKAWA, FORMOSA, between 25th April 1945 and 5th September 1945, whilst a member of the staff of the No. 4 Branch Camp was, contrary to the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War causing suffering to many of the said Prisoners-of-War.”]]>

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First Charge (Against all Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at and near KARENKO, FORMOSA, between 1st July 1942 and 30th June 1943, the accused Col. NAKAO as Commandant Prisoner-of-War Camps Group, the accused Captain IMAMURA as Commandant of No. 4 Branch Camp and the accused Lieutenant. WAKASUGI as a member of the staff of the said Camp, being responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in the said No. 4 Branch Camp, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees resulting in physical suffering to many of them.”

Second Charge (Against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that at Formosa between July 1942 and June 1943, the accused as Commandant Prisoner-of-War Camps Group and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in Formosa, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and internees at No. 1 Branch Camp KINKASEKI, No. 2 Branch Camp TAICHU, No. 3 Branch Camp HEITO, H.Q. Camp at DAICHOKU and at various in transit resulting in the deaths of a number of the said Prisoners-of-War, and in physical suffering to many Prisoners-of-War, and civilian internees.”

Third Charge (Against D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, at or near SHIRAKAWA, FORMOSA, between 1st June and 31st December 1943, whilst Commandant of No. 4 Branch and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in the said Camp, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees causing suffering to many of them.”

Fourth Charge (Against D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, at or near KOKUTSU, FORMOSA, between 16th May 1945 and 31st May 1945, whilst Commandant of No. 1 Branch and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War in the said Camp, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War causing suffering to many of them.”

Fifth Charge (Against D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, at TROKU, FORMOSA, between 1st November 1944 and 25th April 1945, whilst Commandant at TROKU Transit Camp and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War in the said Camp, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War causing suffering to many of the said Prisoners-of-War.”

Sixth Charge (Against D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, at SIRAKAWA, FORMOSA, between 25th April 1945 and 5th September 1945, whilst a member of the staff of the No. 4 Branch Camp was, contrary to the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War causing suffering to many of the said Prisoners-of-War.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1041]]> 2010-09-16T16:04:44+08:00

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“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they, at Hong Kong, between the 30th December 1941 and the 17th February 1945, the accused Capt. USHIYAMA Yukio, as Commanding Officer of the Western Kempeitai Headquarters and the other named accused as members of the staff of the said Headquarters, in violation of the laws and usages of war were together concerned in the ill-treatment of persons in custody at the aforesaid Headquarters, causing the death of some and physical suffering to others”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1038]]> In that he “at Hong Kong between the 14th May, 1943 and the 29th June, 1943, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of prisoners in custody at Mongkok Kempeitai Station causing physical sufferings to Marcus A. da Silva and George van Bergen.”]]> 2010-10-28T18:59:27+08:00

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Committing a War Crime
In that he “at Hong Kong between the 14th May, 1943 and the 29th June, 1943, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of prisoners in custody at Mongkok Kempeitai Station causing physical sufferings to Marcus A. da Silva and George van Bergen.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1037]]> In that he “at Tsunwan Kempeitai Station, Hong Kong, between 1st July, 1943, on or about, and 31st December, 1944”, was, “in violation of the Laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of Chinese civilians imprisoned in the said station causing the death of Lee Sau, Chang HonYing and Siu Kwai and other unidentified civilians aforesaid and causing physical sufferings to others, in particular Lam Sui, Siu Lin, Siu Ying, Fong Show, Siu Kwong Wu, Lum Shing, Siu Chow (otherwise spelt Chiu), Wong Fook and Eng Dong Hoi.”


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Committing a War Crime
In that he “at Tsunwan Kempeitai Station, Hong Kong, between 1st July, 1943, on or about, and 31st December, 1944”, was, “in violation of the Laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of Chinese civilians imprisoned in the said station causing the death of Lee Sau, Chang HonYing and Siu Kwai and other unidentified civilians aforesaid and causing physical sufferings to others, in particular Lam Sui, Siu Lin, Siu Ying, Fong Show, Siu Kwong Wu, Lum Shing, Siu Chow (otherwise spelt Chiu), Wong Fook and Eng Dong Hoi.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1036]]> in that they “at or near KINKASEKI CAMP, FORMOSA, between 14th November, 1942, and January, 1944, whilst members of the Camp Staff were, contrary to the Laws and usages of war, together concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners of War in their custody, causing suffering to the said Prisoners of War.”

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Committing a War Crime
in that they “at or near KINKASEKI CAMP, FORMOSA, between 14th November, 1942, and January, 1944, whilst members of the Camp Staff were, contrary to the Laws and usages of war, together concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners of War in their custody, causing suffering to the said Prisoners of War.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1030]]> “COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 28th December, 1941 as Commanding Officer of the 229th Regiment of 38th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the inhumane treatment of Prisoners of War by troops under his command, which inhumane treatment consisted of killing some and illtreating others.”

Second Charge
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 28th December, 1941 as Commanding Officer of the 229th Regiment of 38th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the inhumane treatment of Surrendered British, Canadian and Allied Troops by troops under his command, which inhumane treatment consisted of killing some and illtreating others.”

Third Charge
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Hong Kong, on or about the 19th of December, 1941 as Commanding Officer of the 229th Regiment of 38th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of Medical Personnel, who had been taken into custody at SALESIAN MISSION, SAU KI WAN”

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First Charge
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 28th December, 1941 as Commanding Officer of the 229th Regiment of 38th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the inhumane treatment of Prisoners of War by troops under his command, which inhumane treatment consisted of killing some and illtreating others.”

Second Charge
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Hong Kong, between the 17th and 28th December, 1941 as Commanding Officer of the 229th Regiment of 38th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the inhumane treatment of Surrendered British, Canadian and Allied Troops by troops under his command, which inhumane treatment consisted of killing some and illtreating others.”

Third Charge
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Hong Kong, on or about the 19th of December, 1941 as Commanding Officer of the 229th Regiment of 38th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of Medical Personnel, who had been taken into custody at SALESIAN MISSION, SAU KI WAN”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1029]]> “COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at or near SHIROKAWA FORMOSA, between July 1943 and August 1945, the accused Colonel SAZAWA as Commandant Prisoner-of-War Camps Group, the accused Lieutenant HIOKI as Commandant of No. 4 Branch Camp, SHIROKAWA and the accused Corporal MATSUMURA as a member of the medical staff of the said Camp, being responsible for the well being of British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in the said No. 4 Branch Camp, were in violation of the laws and usages of war were together concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and civilians resulting in physical sufferings to many of them."

Second Charge (Against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Formosa between July 1943 and March 1945 as Commandant Prisoner-of-war Camps Group and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in Formosa, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and internees at No. 1 Branch Camp KINKASEKI, No. 2 Branch Camp TAICHU, No. 3 Branch Camp HEITO, at Headquarter Camp at DAICHOKU and in transit resulting in the deaths of a number of the said Prisoners-of-War, and in physical suffering to many Prisoners-of-War, and civilian internees.”


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First Charge (Against all Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at or near SHIROKAWA FORMOSA, between July 1943 and August 1945, the accused Colonel SAZAWA as Commandant Prisoner-of-War Camps Group, the accused Lieutenant HIOKI as Commandant of No. 4 Branch Camp, SHIROKAWA and the accused Corporal MATSUMURA as a member of the medical staff of the said Camp, being responsible for the well being of British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in the said No. 4 Branch Camp, were in violation of the laws and usages of war were together concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and civilians resulting in physical sufferings to many of them."

Second Charge (Against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Formosa between July 1943 and March 1945 as Commandant Prisoner-of-war Camps Group and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in Formosa, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and internees at No. 1 Branch Camp KINKASEKI, No. 2 Branch Camp TAICHU, No. 3 Branch Camp HEITO, at Headquarter Camp at DAICHOKU and in transit resulting in the deaths of a number of the said Prisoners-of-War, and in physical suffering to many Prisoners-of-War, and civilian internees.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1028]]>

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“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at KINKASEKI, FORMOSA, between December 1942 and May 1945, being on the staff of the KINKASEKI Nippon Mining Coy., and as such being responsible for the safety and welfare of the British and American Prisoners of War employed in the mine under their supervision, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of the aforesaid Prisoners of War, contributing to the death of some of them and causing physical sufferings to the others.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1027]]> 2010-09-16T15:51:06+08:00

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“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Hong Kong, between October 1942 and the 15th August 1945 when Medical Officer in charge of Stanley Gaol Hospital and as such responsible for the well-being of British and Chinese prisoners who were patients therein, in violation of the laws and usages of war was concerned in the illtreatment of the said prisoners by failing to provide them with adequate medical attention including medicine, drugs and suitable diet, thereby contributing to the deaths of many of them and causing physical suffering to others.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1021]]> ]]> 2010-09-16T15:50:29+08:00

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“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they, at ICHINOMIYA, JAPAN, on or about the 15 August 1945, the accused Colonel TAMURA Teiichi, as Commander of the 426th Regiment Infantry Regiment, the accused Major HIRANO Noboru as an officer on the Staff of the 147th Infantry Division, and the accused Captain FUJINO Masayo, as an Officer of the afore said 426th Regiment Infantry Regiment were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the killing of one FRED HOCKLEY, a Sub-Lieutenant of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve”.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1015]]> “in that he at Hong Kong between the 17th and 26th December 1941, when Commanding Officer of the 230th Infantry Regiment of the 38th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, was, in violation of the laws and usages of wars, concerned in the ill-treatment and killing of British, Canadian, Chinese and Indian troops and Red Cross personnel after they had been taken prisoners of war”.


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Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong between the 17th and 26th December 1941, when Commanding Officer of the 230th Infantry Regiment of the 38th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, was, in violation of the laws and usages of wars, concerned in the ill-treatment and killing of British, Canadian, Chinese and Indian troops and Red Cross personnel after they had been taken prisoners of war”.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1012]]> “COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at SHAM SHUI PO, HONG KONG, between the 24 January 1942 and the 15 August 1945 when members of the Prisoners-of-War Camp Staff under the command of the first named accused, and responsible for the well-being of British, Canadian and Dutch Prisoners-of-War interned in the SHAM SHUI PO Prisoners-of-War Camp were, in violation of the laws and usages or war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoners-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Second Charge (against D1 and D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at SHAM SHUI PO, HONG KONG, between the 24 January 1942 and the 26 September 1942 or thereabouts when Commandant and Medical Officer respectively of all; Prisoners-of-War Camps in Hong Kong, and responsible for the well-being of British, and Canadian Prisoners-of-War, in violation of the laws and usages or war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoners-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Third Charge (against D1, D2 and D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they in KOWLOON, HONG KONG, between April 1942 and May 1944 or thereabouts when the accused Col. Tokunaga Isao and the accused Capt. Saito Shunkichi were respectively Commandant and Medical Officer of all Prisoners-of-War Camps in Hong Kong and the accused Lt. Tanaka Hitochi was Commandant of the UPPER ARGYLE STREET OFFICERS CAMP, and responsible for the well-being of British, and Canadian Prisoners-of-War serving on the medical staff and/or receiving treatment at the said UPPER ARGYLE STREET OFFICER CAMP, were, in violation of the laws and usages or war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoners-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Fourth Charge (against D1 and D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they in KOWLOON, HONG KONG, between February 1942 and the 16 June 1942 or thereabouts when Commandant and Medical Officer in HONG KONG, and responsible for the well-being of British, and Canadian Prisoners-of-War serving on the medical staff and/or receiving treatment at the INDIAN MILITARY HOSPITAL at ARGYLE STREET, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoners-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Fifth Charge (against D1 and D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they in KOWLOON, HONG KONG, between the 24 January 1942 and the 15 August 1945 or thereabouts when Commandant and Medical Officer of all Prisoners-of-War Camps in HONG KONG, and responsible for the well-being of British and Canadian Prisoners-of-War serving on the medical staff and/or receiving treatment at the BOWEN ROAD HOSPITAL, HONG KONG, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoner-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Sixth Charge (against D1 and D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at the Prisoners-of-War Camp HQ’s at FORFAR STREET, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, in or about the month of August 1942 when Commandant and intelligence officer respectively of the Prisoners-of-War Camp Headquarters, were in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the maltreatment of Sgt. J.O. Payne, L/Cpl G. Berzenski, Pte. J.H. Adams and Pte. P.J. Ellis, all Canadian Prisoners-of-War then in their custody and command.”

Seventh Charge (against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME in that he on or about the month of August 1942 when Commandant of all Prisoners-of-War Camp in HONG KONG, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of Sgt. J.O. Payne, L/Cpl G. Berzenski, Pte. J.H. Adams and Pte. P.J. Ellis, all Canadian Prisoners-of-War then in their custody and command.”

Eighth Charge (against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME in that he at HONG KONG on or about 14 September 1942 when Commandant of all Prisoners-of-War Camps in HONG KONG, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of Pte. V. Branson, L/Cpl. W.G. Byrne, P. Connely, Pte. J. Steppworth and Pte. M.T. Dunne, all British Prisoners-of-War in his custody and command.”

Ninth Charge (against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME in that he at HONG KONG on or about October 1942 and 15 August 1945 when Commandant of all Prisoners-of-War CAMPS IN HONG KONG, did, in violation of the laws and usages of war, misappropriate for his own use and benefit Red Cross supplies of food, medicine, clothes and other comforts intended for the Prisoners-of-War interned in Hong Kong, and further did permit and condone the misappropriation of such Red Cross supplies by his staff.”

Tenth Charge (against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME in that he at divers places in HONG KONG between 24 January 1942 and 15 August 1945 when Commandant of all Prisoners-of-War Camps in Hong Kong, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the beating, torture and unlawful killing of numerous Chinese Civilians in Hong Kong aforesaid.”

Eleventh Charge (against D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he, at No. 167 ARGYLE STREET, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, in or about the month of August 1943 when Commandant of the UPPER ARGYLE STREET OFFICERS CAMP and concurrently O.i/c Intelligence Section, Prisoners-of-War Camps Headquarters, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the maltreatment of two unidentified Chinese Drivers and Lt. HADDOCK and one or more other British Prisoners-of-War then in his custody and command.”


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First Charge (against all Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at SHAM SHUI PO, HONG KONG, between the 24 January 1942 and the 15 August 1945 when members of the Prisoners-of-War Camp Staff under the command of the first named accused, and responsible for the well-being of British, Canadian and Dutch Prisoners-of-War interned in the SHAM SHUI PO Prisoners-of-War Camp were, in violation of the laws and usages or war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoners-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Second Charge (against D1 and D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at SHAM SHUI PO, HONG KONG, between the 24 January 1942 and the 26 September 1942 or thereabouts when Commandant and Medical Officer respectively of all; Prisoners-of-War Camps in Hong Kong, and responsible for the well-being of British, and Canadian Prisoners-of-War, in violation of the laws and usages or war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoners-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Third Charge (against D1, D2 and D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they in KOWLOON, HONG KONG, between April 1942 and May 1944 or thereabouts when the accused Col. Tokunaga Isao and the accused Capt. Saito Shunkichi were respectively Commandant and Medical Officer of all Prisoners-of-War Camps in Hong Kong and the accused Lt. Tanaka Hitochi was Commandant of the UPPER ARGYLE STREET OFFICERS CAMP, and responsible for the well-being of British, and Canadian Prisoners-of-War serving on the medical staff and/or receiving treatment at the said UPPER ARGYLE STREET OFFICER CAMP, were, in violation of the laws and usages or war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoners-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Fourth Charge (against D1 and D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they in KOWLOON, HONG KONG, between February 1942 and the 16 June 1942 or thereabouts when Commandant and Medical Officer in HONG KONG, and responsible for the well-being of British, and Canadian Prisoners-of-War serving on the medical staff and/or receiving treatment at the INDIAN MILITARY HOSPITAL at ARGYLE STREET, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoners-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Fifth Charge (against D1 and D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they in KOWLOON, HONG KONG, between the 24 January 1942 and the 15 August 1945 or thereabouts when Commandant and Medical Officer of all Prisoners-of-War Camps in HONG KONG, and responsible for the well-being of British and Canadian Prisoners-of-War serving on the medical staff and/or receiving treatment at the BOWEN ROAD HOSPITAL, HONG KONG, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the inhumane treatment of the said Prisoner-of-War resulting in the deaths of some and in physical sufferings to others.”

Sixth Charge (against D1 and D2)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at the Prisoners-of-War Camp HQ’s at FORFAR STREET, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, in or about the month of August 1942 when Commandant and intelligence officer respectively of the Prisoners-of-War Camp Headquarters, were in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the maltreatment of Sgt. J.O. Payne, L/Cpl G. Berzenski, Pte. J.H. Adams and Pte. P.J. Ellis, all Canadian Prisoners-of-War then in their custody and command.”

Seventh Charge (against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME in that he on or about the month of August 1942 when Commandant of all Prisoners-of-War Camp in HONG KONG, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of Sgt. J.O. Payne, L/Cpl G. Berzenski, Pte. J.H. Adams and Pte. P.J. Ellis, all Canadian Prisoners-of-War then in their custody and command.”

Eighth Charge (against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME in that he at HONG KONG on or about 14 September 1942 when Commandant of all Prisoners-of-War Camps in HONG KONG, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of Pte. V. Branson, L/Cpl. W.G. Byrne, P. Connely, Pte. J. Steppworth and Pte. M.T. Dunne, all British Prisoners-of-War in his custody and command.”

Ninth Charge (against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME in that he at HONG KONG on or about October 1942 and 15 August 1945 when Commandant of all Prisoners-of-War CAMPS IN HONG KONG, did, in violation of the laws and usages of war, misappropriate for his own use and benefit Red Cross supplies of food, medicine, clothes and other comforts intended for the Prisoners-of-War interned in Hong Kong, and further did permit and condone the misappropriation of such Red Cross supplies by his staff.”

Tenth Charge (against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME in that he at divers places in HONG KONG between 24 January 1942 and 15 August 1945 when Commandant of all Prisoners-of-War Camps in Hong Kong, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the beating, torture and unlawful killing of numerous Chinese Civilians in Hong Kong aforesaid.”

Eleventh Charge (against D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he, at No. 167 ARGYLE STREET, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, in or about the month of August 1943 when Commandant of the UPPER ARGYLE STREET OFFICERS CAMP and concurrently O.i/c Intelligence Section, Prisoners-of-War Camps Headquarters, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the maltreatment of two unidentified Chinese Drivers and Lt. HADDOCK and one or more other British Prisoners-of-War then in his custody and command.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1007]]> “in that they at Hong Kong, between the 13th August, 1943 and the 19th February, 1945, when the accused SHIBATA SHIGEO was Commanding Officer of the EASTERN KEMPEITAI HEADQUARTERS and the accused OBA Takao was a member of the said Headquarters, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the ill treatment of civilian residents while in custody of the said Headquarters causing the death of some and physical sufferings to others.”

Dublin Core




Committing a War Crime
“in that they at Hong Kong, between the 13th August, 1943 and the 19th February, 1945, when the accused SHIBATA SHIGEO was Commanding Officer of the EASTERN KEMPEITAI HEADQUARTERS and the accused OBA Takao was a member of the said Headquarters, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the ill treatment of civilian residents while in custody of the said Headquarters causing the death of some and physical sufferings to others.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/999]]> “In that, the accused, at Hong Kong between the 25th December 1941 and the 18th January 1945, as head of the Kempeitai and as such responsible for public order, the control of Kempei personnel and for the management of places of detention at Hong Kong aforesaid, was, in violation of the law of usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents, as a result of which numbers of them died or were unlawfully killed by members of the Japanese Forces, and many others underwent physical suffering.”

Dublin Core




Committing a War Crime
“In that, the accused, at Hong Kong between the 25th December 1941 and the 18th January 1945, as head of the Kempeitai and as such responsible for public order, the control of Kempei personnel and for the management of places of detention at Hong Kong aforesaid, was, in violation of the law of usages of war, concerned in the illtreatment of civilian residents, as a result of which numbers of them died or were unlawfully killed by members of the Japanese Forces, and many others underwent physical suffering.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/993]]> 2010-09-16T15:40:29+08:00

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“Committing a war crime in that they at LANTAU ISLAND between 18 Aug. 45 and 26 Aug. 45 in violation of the laws and usages of war were together concerned in the beating, torture and maltreatment of inhabitants of the SILVER MINE BAY district of LANTAU aforesaid and in the killing of nine of the said inhabitants.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/982]]> “COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at Heito Camp, Formosa, between July 1942 and March 1945, whilst members of the Camp Staff of Heito Camp were in violation of the laws and usages of war together concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners of War in their custody, causing suffering to many and contributing to the death of some.”

Second Charge (against first Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at Kokutsu Camp, Formosa, between May and August 1945, whilst members of the Camp Staff of Heito Camp were in violation of the laws and usages of war together concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners of War in their custody, causing suffering to the said POWs.”


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First Charge (against each Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at Heito Camp, Formosa, between July 1942 and March 1945, whilst members of the Camp Staff of Heito Camp were in violation of the laws and usages of war together concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners of War in their custody, causing suffering to many and contributing to the death of some.”

Second Charge (against first Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at Kokutsu Camp, Formosa, between May and August 1945, whilst members of the Camp Staff of Heito Camp were in violation of the laws and usages of war together concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners of War in their custody, causing suffering to the said POWs.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/954]]> “COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they, at or near KOKUTSU CAMP, FORMOSA, between 15th May, 1845 and 5th September, 1945 whilst members of the Camp Staff were contrary to the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners-of-War in their custody, causing suffering to the said Prisoners-of-War”.

Second Charge (against D1, D2 and D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they, at KINKASEKI CAMP, FORMOSA, between 1st January, 1944 and 16th June 1945, were contrary to the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners-of-War in their custody causing suffering to the said Prisoners-of-War.


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First Charge (against each Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they, at or near KOKUTSU CAMP, FORMOSA, between 15th May, 1845 and 5th September, 1945 whilst members of the Camp Staff were contrary to the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners-of-War in their custody, causing suffering to the said Prisoners-of-War”.

Second Charge (against D1, D2 and D3)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they, at KINKASEKI CAMP, FORMOSA, between 1st January, 1944 and 16th June 1945, were contrary to the laws and usages of war, together concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners-of-War in their custody causing suffering to the said Prisoners-of-War.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/937]]> “COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they, at Hong Kong between 21st April 1943 when members of the Staff of the Kempeitai Headquarters, Supreme Court Building, in the service of the Occupying Power, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned as parties to the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Hong Kong aforesaid, in custody at the said headquarters, resulting in physical sufferings to them and in particular to Mr. Rudy Choy, Mr. F. Tyndall, Mr. Monaghan, Mr. Edmonston, Mr. G. Kotwall, Mr. Chester Bennett and Mr. Hyde.”

Second Charge (against Third Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he, at Hong Kong between the 15th June 1943 and 30th September 1943 when a member of the Staff of the Kempeitai Headquarters, Central Police Station, did ill-treat Mrs. Chester Bennett a civilian in custody at the said Headquarters.”]]>

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First Charge (against each Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they, at Hong Kong between 21st April 1943 when members of the Staff of the Kempeitai Headquarters, Supreme Court Building, in the service of the Occupying Power, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned as parties to the ill-treatment of civilian residents of Hong Kong aforesaid, in custody at the said headquarters, resulting in physical sufferings to them and in particular to Mr. Rudy Choy, Mr. F. Tyndall, Mr. Monaghan, Mr. Edmonston, Mr. G. Kotwall, Mr. Chester Bennett and Mr. Hyde.”

Second Charge (against Third Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he, at Hong Kong between the 15th June 1943 and 30th September 1943 when a member of the Staff of the Kempeitai Headquarters, Central Police Station, did ill-treat Mrs. Chester Bennett a civilian in custody at the said Headquarters.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/921]]> “in that he at Hong Kong on or about the 27th April 1942, when a member of the Kempeitai, in violation of the laws and usages of war, was concerned in the maltreatment of Sgt. Lloyd, a British Prisoner of War in custody at SHAMSHUIPO POLICE STATION resulting in the death of the said Sgt Lloyd.”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong between 7th December 1944 and the 5th February 1945, when a member of the Kempeitai at Eastern Gendarmerie Headquarters, in violation of the laws and usages of war, did ill-treat Denis Victor and Tseng Yu Hao, civilians in custody at the said headquarters”.

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First Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong on or about the 27th April 1942, when a member of the Kempeitai, in violation of the laws and usages of war, was concerned in the maltreatment of Sgt. Lloyd, a British Prisoner of War in custody at SHAMSHUIPO POLICE STATION resulting in the death of the said Sgt Lloyd.”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong between 7th December 1944 and the 5th February 1945, when a member of the Kempeitai at Eastern Gendarmerie Headquarters, in violation of the laws and usages of war, did ill-treat Denis Victor and Tseng Yu Hao, civilians in custody at the said headquarters”.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/915]]> ‘in that he at Hong Kong between 26th March, 1944 and the 31st July, 1945, when a member of the Interrogating Staff of the Gendarmerie, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill treatment of civilians arrested by the Japanese Gendarmerie, resulting in the death of ARCHIE WONG and in physical suffering to others of the said civilians”

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Committing a War Crime
‘in that he at Hong Kong between 26th March, 1944 and the 31st July, 1945, when a member of the Interrogating Staff of the Gendarmerie, was in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill treatment of civilians arrested by the Japanese Gendarmerie, resulting in the death of ARCHIE WONG and in physical suffering to others of the said civilians”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/914]]> “in that he, at Tsun Wan on or about the 17th August, 1945, when a member of the KEMPEITAI, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of YEN (otherwise spelt TUM) YEE KWAN and another unknown Chinese, both civilians at that time in his custody.”

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Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at Tsun Wan on or about the 17th August, 1945, when a member of the KEMPEITAI, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the killing of YEN (otherwise spelt TUM) YEE KWAN and another unknown Chinese, both civilians at that time in his custody.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/905]]> “in that they at or near KINKASEKI Formosa between the months of November 1942 and August 1945 when members of the staff of No. 1 Prisoner of War Camp FORMOSA were in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the inhumane treatment of British and allied Prisoners of War in their custody thereby causing physical suffering to the said Prisoners of War and contributing to the deaths of many of them”.

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Committing a War Crime
“in that they at or near KINKASEKI Formosa between the months of November 1942 and August 1945 when members of the staff of No. 1 Prisoner of War Camp FORMOSA were in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the inhumane treatment of British and allied Prisoners of War in their custody thereby causing physical suffering to the said Prisoners of War and contributing to the deaths of many of them”.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/895]]> “in that they at Hong Kong between 20th July 1945 and 18th August 1945 being in the service of the occupying power of Japanese Gendarmerie, Headquarters, in violation of the laws and usages of war, were together concerned in the maltreatment of the following civilians, under arrest and at the said Headquarters: IP TING CHANG, IP HA KAN, IP HAK KIM, LAU HAI HIT, SO SUI WING, CHAN CHE WING and CHAN KANG CHEN”

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Committing a War Crime
“in that they at Hong Kong between 20th July 1945 and 18th August 1945 being in the service of the occupying power of Japanese Gendarmerie, Headquarters, in violation of the laws and usages of war, were together concerned in the maltreatment of the following civilians, under arrest and at the said Headquarters: IP TING CHANG, IP HA KAN, IP HAK KIM, LAU HAI HIT, SO SUI WING, CHAN CHE WING and CHAN KANG CHEN”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/894]]> ‘in that he at Hong Kong between 7th December 1944 and 18th August 1945 being in the service of the occupying power in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the ill treatment of civilian residents of Hong Kong while in custody of the Japanese Gendarmerie causing them physical suffering and particularly to Mr. AXEL OLSSON, CHENG TSUUNG HAN, NA YIN CHE, CHE HOK YING, CHAN LUK CHAU, CHIU HOK CHEUK, KWOK KWOK YIN and LING CE KEING, YUEN FO TO, some of the said residents.”

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Committing a War Crime
‘in that he at Hong Kong between 7th December 1944 and 18th August 1945 being in the service of the occupying power in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the ill treatment of civilian residents of Hong Kong while in custody of the Japanese Gendarmerie causing them physical suffering and particularly to Mr. AXEL OLSSON, CHENG TSUUNG HAN, NA YIN CHE, CHE HOK YING, CHAN LUK CHAU, CHIU HOK CHEUK, KWOK KWOK YIN and LING CE KEING, YUEN FO TO, some of the said residents.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/893]]> “in that he at Kowloon between the 8th June 1944 and the 19th July 1945 when in the service of the occupying power as W.O. in charge of the Special Branch of the Japanese Gendarmerie Kowloon Headquarters and as such responsible for the well being of persons in arrest at the said place in violation of the laws and usages of war was concerned in the ill-treatment and torture of Tai Fook, Wan Mun Soo, Sui Wai Wan, Chu Man Yu, Tsui Sai Cheung, J.A. Siren and Wan Tin Soon all persons under arrest at the gendarmerie aforesaid”

Dublin Core




Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Kowloon between the 8th June 1944 and the 19th July 1945 when in the service of the occupying power as W.O. in charge of the Special Branch of the Japanese Gendarmerie Kowloon Headquarters and as such responsible for the well being of persons in arrest at the said place in violation of the laws and usages of war was concerned in the ill-treatment and torture of Tai Fook, Wan Mun Soo, Sui Wai Wan, Chu Man Yu, Tsui Sai Cheung, J.A. Siren and Wan Tin Soon all persons under arrest at the gendarmerie aforesaid”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/892]]> “in that he on the high seas between the 27th September 1942 and the 2nd October 1942 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter with a draft of British Prisoners of War on board the S.S. “Lisbon Maru”, and responsible for the well-being of the said Prisoner of Wars, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in their ill-treatment including the battening down of the Prisoners of War in the hold of the said ship after it has been torpedoed and was in a sinking condition, whereby many of them lost their lives and the remainder underwent physical and mental sufferings”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Shanghai on or about 4th October 1942 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the neglect and the ill-treatment of British Prisoners of War in his custody causing physical sufferings to many of them and in particular RSM R.H. Challis.”

Third Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he on the high seas between 26th September 1943 and 6th January 1944 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter aboard the S.S. “Toyama Maru” (Alias “Tozan Maru”), was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of a Prisoner of War named Rifleman P. Doucett of the Canadian Army, contributing to the death of the said Rifleman Doucett”

Fourth Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong on or about the 20th August 1942, when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners of War causing physical suffering to Sgt. J.O. Payne, L.Cpl. G. Berzenski, Pte. J.H. Adams and Pte. P.J. Ellis all of the Winnipeg Grenadiers Canadian Army.”

Fifth Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong during the month of November 1943 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter at Bowen Road Hospital, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners of War in the said hospital causing physical suffering to them and in particular to Cpl. J.T.F. Murry, Rifleman J.W. Archibald, Cpl. Pike and Cpl. Taylor.”

Sixth Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong in the month of February 1945, when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter at Happy Valley Race Course Camp was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill treatment of Prisoners of War causing physical suffering and in particular to Pte. Nolan.”

Seventh Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong between April 1942 and August 1945 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter on the Prisoner of War Camps Staff, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the stealing of the Red Cross parcels and personal effects the property of Prisoners of War of the Camps Group at Hong Kong aforesaid.”

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First Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he on the high seas between the 27th September 1942 and the 2nd October 1942 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter with a draft of British Prisoners of War on board the S.S. “Lisbon Maru”, and responsible for the well-being of the said Prisoner of Wars, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in their ill-treatment including the battening down of the Prisoners of War in the hold of the said ship after it has been torpedoed and was in a sinking condition, whereby many of them lost their lives and the remainder underwent physical and mental sufferings”

Second Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Shanghai on or about 4th October 1942 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the neglect and the ill-treatment of British Prisoners of War in his custody causing physical sufferings to many of them and in particular RSM R.H. Challis.”

Third Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he on the high seas between 26th September 1943 and 6th January 1944 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter aboard the S.S. “Toyama Maru” (Alias “Tozan Maru”), was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of a Prisoner of War named Rifleman P. Doucett of the Canadian Army, contributing to the death of the said Rifleman Doucett”

Fourth Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong on or about the 20th August 1942, when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners of War causing physical suffering to Sgt. J.O. Payne, L.Cpl. G. Berzenski, Pte. J.H. Adams and Pte. P.J. Ellis all of the Winnipeg Grenadiers Canadian Army.”

Fifth Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong during the month of November 1943 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter at Bowen Road Hospital, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill-treatment of Prisoners of War in the said hospital causing physical suffering to them and in particular to Cpl. J.T.F. Murry, Rifleman J.W. Archibald, Cpl. Pike and Cpl. Taylor.”

Sixth Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong in the month of February 1945, when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter at Happy Valley Race Course Camp was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the ill treatment of Prisoners of War causing physical suffering and in particular to Pte. Nolan.”

Seventh Charge: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at Hong Kong between April 1942 and August 1945 when in the service of the Japanese Army as an interpreter on the Prisoner of War Camps Staff, was, in violation of the laws and usages of war, concerned in the stealing of the Red Cross parcels and personal effects the property of Prisoners of War of the Camps Group at Hong Kong aforesaid.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1105]]> “in that they at DAICHOKU near TAIHOKU, Formosa, between November 1942 and September 1945, the accused, Major UETE Taichi as Commandant of P.O.W. Camps, Formosa, and the remainder of the accused, as members of No. 6 Branch Group being responsible for the well being of all Allied P.O.Ws, were, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisoners of War, resulting in deaths to some and in physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.”

Second Charge (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7): Committing a War Crime
“in that they at YOBUKU, Formosa, during June 1945, July 1945 and Auguest 1945, the accused Major UETE Taichi as Commandant of P.O.W. Camps, Formosa, and the remainder of the accused as members of his staff, were, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisoners of War, resulting in many deaths to some and physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.”

Third Charge (D1, D2, D6) Committing a War Crime
“in that they at MATSUYAMA, Formosa, during July 1945 and August 1945, the accused Major UETE TAICHI as Commandant of P.O.W. Camps, Formosa, and the remainder of the accused as members of his staff, were, in Violation of the laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisnoers of War, resulting in physical suffering to them.”

FourthCharge (D1, D2, D3, D4, D8) Committing a War Crime
“in that they at DAICHOKU, near TAIHOKU, FORMOSA, between November 1944 and March 1945, as members of No. 6 Branch Group being responsible for the well being of all Allied P.O.W.s, were in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisoners of War, resulting in deaths to some and physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.”

Fifth Charge (D1) Committing a War Crime
“in that he at FORMOSA between March 1945 and September 1945 the accused Major UETE TAICHI as Commandant of P.O.W. Camps, Formosa, was in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisoners of War at No. 1 Branch Camp – Kinkaseki (later transferred to Kokutsu) resulting in deaths to some and physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.”


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First Charge (All): Committing a War Crime
“in that they at DAICHOKU near TAIHOKU, Formosa, between November 1942 and September 1945, the accused, Major UETE Taichi as Commandant of P.O.W. Camps, Formosa, and the remainder of the accused, as members of No. 6 Branch Group being responsible for the well being of all Allied P.O.Ws, were, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisoners of War, resulting in deaths to some and in physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.”

Second Charge (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7): Committing a War Crime
“in that they at YOBUKU, Formosa, during June 1945, July 1945 and Auguest 1945, the accused Major UETE Taichi as Commandant of P.O.W. Camps, Formosa, and the remainder of the accused as members of his staff, were, in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisoners of War, resulting in many deaths to some and physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.”

Third Charge (D1, D2, D6) Committing a War Crime
“in that they at MATSUYAMA, Formosa, during July 1945 and August 1945, the accused Major UETE TAICHI as Commandant of P.O.W. Camps, Formosa, and the remainder of the accused as members of his staff, were, in Violation of the laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisnoers of War, resulting in physical suffering to them.”

FourthCharge (D1, D2, D3, D4, D8) Committing a War Crime
“in that they at DAICHOKU, near TAIHOKU, FORMOSA, between November 1944 and March 1945, as members of No. 6 Branch Group being responsible for the well being of all Allied P.O.W.s, were in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisoners of War, resulting in deaths to some and physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.”

Fifth Charge (D1) Committing a War Crime
“in that he at FORMOSA between March 1945 and September 1945 the accused Major UETE TAICHI as Commandant of P.O.W. Camps, Formosa, was in Violation of the Laws and Usages of War, concerned in the ill-treatment of Allied Prisoners of War at No. 1 Branch Camp – Kinkaseki (later transferred to Kokutsu) resulting in deaths to some and physical suffering to others of the said Prisoners of War.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/1011]]> “in that they at TAIPO Gendarmerie, Hong Kong, in or about the month of March 1942 were, in violation of the laws and usages of War concerned in the killing of CHEUNG CHO, TSANG FOK and three civilian residents of TAIPO”.

D1: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at TAIPO Gendarmerie, Hong Kong, between the 29 May 1942 and the 30 June 1942, in violation of the laws and usages of War was concerned in the maltreatment of LEE SHING and LEE TIEN SUN, civilian residents of TAIPO resulting in the death of LEE TIEN SUNG”.

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D1 and D2: Committing a War Crime
“in that they at TAIPO Gendarmerie, Hong Kong, in or about the month of March 1942 were, in violation of the laws and usages of War concerned in the killing of CHEUNG CHO, TSANG FOK and three civilian residents of TAIPO”.

D1: Committing a War Crime
“in that he at TAIPO Gendarmerie, Hong Kong, between the 29 May 1942 and the 30 June 1942, in violation of the laws and usages of War was concerned in the maltreatment of LEE SHING and LEE TIEN SUN, civilian residents of TAIPO resulting in the death of LEE TIEN SUNG”.

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/887]]> “in that they at TAI PO, New Territories, Hong Kong, between the 28th Dec 1944 and 8th Jan 1945, when members of the Kempeitai Staff of Tai Po Gendarmerie, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned as parties to the maltreatment of civilian residents of the New Territories in custody at the said Gendarmerie, causing the death of CHENG PO, LAM TIN KAU, and LAM SHUI KI and physical suffering to others and in particular to CHENG KWAI, LAM PAK LING, LAM KIU CHEUNG, LAM KIU WAI, LAM CHUNG SIK, LAM WAH, LAM YING YUEN, CHUN WAN WAI, CHUENG FUK KIN and CHUNG CHIK HUNG all civilians residents as aforesaid.”

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Committing a War Crime
“in that they at TAI PO, New Territories, Hong Kong, between the 28th Dec 1944 and 8th Jan 1945, when members of the Kempeitai Staff of Tai Po Gendarmerie, were, in violation of the laws and usages of war, together concerned as parties to the maltreatment of civilian residents of the New Territories in custody at the said Gendarmerie, causing the death of CHENG PO, LAM TIN KAU, and LAM SHUI KI and physical suffering to others and in particular to CHENG KWAI, LAM PAK LING, LAM KIU CHEUNG, LAM KIU WAI, LAM CHUNG SIK, LAM WAH, LAM YING YUEN, CHUN WAN WAI, CHUENG FUK KIN and CHUNG CHIK HUNG all civilians residents as aforesaid.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[WO235/846]]> “in that he, at WAICHOW, between the 25th May 1945 and the 5th August 1945, being in the service of the occupying power in the Japanese Gendarmerie, in violation of the laws and usages of war, was concerned in the maltreatment of a Chinese civilian named LI KAM-MOON, who was at that time under arrest resulting in the death of the said Chinese civilian.”

Dublin Core




Committing a War Crime
“in that he, at WAICHOW, between the 25th May 1945 and the 5th August 1945, being in the service of the occupying power in the Japanese Gendarmerie, in violation of the laws and usages of war, was concerned in the maltreatment of a Chinese civilian named LI KAM-MOON, who was at that time under arrest resulting in the death of the said Chinese civilian.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata

]]> <![CDATA[Experience as a War Crimes Prosecutor in Hong Kong]]> 2010-12-07T15:32:11+08:00

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Experience as a War Crimes Prosecutor in Hong Kong


Peter Vine


Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong Branch

Bibliographic Citation

(1995) 35 Journal of The Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, pp.205-209.
]]> <![CDATA[The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru: Britain's Forgotten Wartime Tragedy]]> 2010-12-07T15:34:11+08:00

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The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru: Britain's Forgotten Wartime Tragedy


Tony Banham


Hong Kong University Press

Bibliographic Citation

(Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2006) (Appendix I - Judgement: The Trial of Kyoda Shigeru, pp.231-245).
]]> <![CDATA[Statement of Mr. Chan Sui-Jeung, given to the HKWCT Collection, 4 August 2010.]]> 2010-11-25T11:15:34+08:00

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Statement of Mr. Chan Sui-Jeung, given to the HKWCT Collection, 4 August 2010.
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