
Dublin Core




First Charge (Against all Accused)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that they at or near SHIROKAWA FORMOSA, between July 1943 and August 1945, the accused Colonel SAZAWA as Commandant Prisoner-of-War Camps Group, the accused Lieutenant HIOKI as Commandant of No. 4 Branch Camp, SHIROKAWA and the accused Corporal MATSUMURA as a member of the medical staff of the said Camp, being responsible for the well being of British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in the said No. 4 Branch Camp, were in violation of the laws and usages of war were together concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and civilians resulting in physical sufferings to many of them."

Second Charge (Against D1)
“COMMITTING A WAR CRIME, in that he at Formosa between July 1943 and March 1945 as Commandant Prisoner-of-war Camps Group and as such responsible for the well-being of all British and Allied Prisoners-of-War and civilian internees in Formosa, was in violation of the laws and usages of war concerned in the illtreatment of Prisoners-of-War and internees at No. 1 Branch Camp KINKASEKI, No. 2 Branch Camp TAICHU, No. 3 Branch Camp HEITO, at Headquarter Camp at DAICHOKU and in transit resulting in the deaths of a number of the said Prisoners-of-War, and in physical suffering to many Prisoners-of-War, and civilian internees.”

Legal Case Item Type Metadata



“WO235/1029,” Hong Kong's War Crimes Trials Collection, accessed March 14, 2025, https://hkwctc.lib.hku.hk/items/show/66.


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